noun An object that provokes nostalgia when perceived or remembered.
Origin 2011: intentional coinage by Steve Kass (, back-formation from nostalgia. Pluralized as nostalgiums to distinguish from nostalgia.
Someone points out a typo to me. I wonder why the typo was made. I learn a bunch of cool stuff. It’s one of my favorite story lines, and here’s today’s episode. [Related post on “Why not?”]
Readers will know that as The Dessoff Choirs’ self-appointed language guru, I routinely prepare IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) transliterations of upcoming concert music. [see Graphemes to Phonemes Made Easy]
Over the years, I’ve learned I can count on certain fellow singers, especially alto section leader Lisa Madsen, to scrutinize my work. Recently, Lisa noticed a small discrepancy between a word (and) in my transliteration and the corresponding word (an) in our printed score.
[TEXT] Georg Friedrich Daumer’s poem “Ein kleiner, hübscher Vogel”
[TYPO] da tat es ihm, dem Glücklichen, nicht an, which should have been nicht and.
[MUSIC] Johannes Brahms’s Liebeslieder waltz, Opus 52, #6
S. verifies that and is correct according to several authoritative sources.
S. looks up and fails to find and in several German dictionaries.
S. hypothesizes that and is a poetic substitution for an for rhyme’s sake (cf., antun, to harm).
While drafting his WordReference post, B. (S.’s brother) phones S. and asks “What are you doing?”
S. explains.
B. offers to ask G. (B.’s friend, an erudite scholar of German) S.’s question, which offer S. accepts.
S. shortly receives an informative answer [see Appendix B] from WordReference user and native German speaker Demiurg.
Subsequently, S. receives an even more informative answer [see Appendix C] from G.
One of Johannes Brahms’s Liebeslieder-Walzer (1865) contains this stanza from a poem by Georg Friedrich Daumer (1800-1875):
Der Vogel kam in eine schöne Hand, da tat es ihm, dem Glücklichen, nicht and.
Is the final word and a poetic alteration of an (separated from antun) to make the rhyme with Hand? If not, what is it?
Also, how might this come across to a present-day native German speaker (in the context of a sung poem, where a rhyme is expected)?
It’s a dated form (=> and). "Es tat ihm nicht and" means "es tat ihm nicht leid".
However, it’s still used in the East Franconian dialect:
and tun, es tut mir and
Aussprache: des dud mer and Bedeutung: "es tut mir leid" oder "ich habe Sehnsucht danach" Satzbeispiel: Noach mein Vauweh is mer heind no and (aus Wassertrüdingen, Landkreis Ansbach) "Ich denke heute noch mit Wehmut an meinen VW-Käfer" Herkunft: mittelhochdeutsch ant "schmerzlich" aus althochdeutsch anan "atmen, seufzen" (vgl. deutsch ahnen)
"and tun" in Eastern Frankish dialect (dialect geographically prevalent in Southern Germany- its eastern border was near Nuernberg, where Georg Friedrich Daumer was born and lived) is/was used to express "to be hurtful" "to cause pain". It is also used in Middle High German. Today you would use: "Da tat es ihm nichts an."
"Da tat es ihm nicht and" could therefore be translated as: it didn’t cause him any pain. I.e: the fact that the bird flew on his lady’s hand did not bother him all that much – no competition for his affection.
Another reason Georg Friedrich Daumer used this archaic and/or dialect expression is that he studied and used Arabic and Persian rhyme schemes during certain periods in his creative life, which were much stricter about perfect rhyme endings than was customary in Germany poetry – other than during the German classical period.
The American Stroke Association is having a conference in Los Angeles (near Hollywood) this week. The disease-ridden news coming out of that conference is full of numbers, so reporters are cooking up bigger-than-usual batches of scare.
Yesterday’s stroke news was an unjustified scare about stroke and younger people.
According to a recent study by UCLA researchers, 7.3% of 409 Oscar nominees for best actor or actress since 1927 had strokes, according to public records, a number senior study author cautions is “sure to be an underestimate.” Scary?
ABC News wants their article to be scary, so they imply a wrong answer to the questioning headline with this wrong statistic: “The lifetime risk of stroke in the United States is roughly 2.9 percent, according to a 2010 report from the American Heart Association.” Oscar nominees’ higher-than-7.3% stroke rate is now officially scary. It’s several times the average!
Except that it’s not. The 2.9% figure ABC quotes is wrong. The number 2.9% does appear in the American Heart Association report, but it’s not the lifetime risk of stroke among Americans. It’s the prevalence of (having had a) stroke among American adults, young and old combined — the percentage of Americans who had had a stroke before the data-gathering took place, not who will have a stroke before they die. Many of the 97.1 percent who hadn’t had a stroke when surveyed will have a stroke later in their lives.
According to the same AHA report, stroke accounted for about 137,000 deaths in 2006, or one of every 18 deaths in the United States in 2006. One out of 18 is more than 5%, and that’s just the stroke deaths. The lifetime risk of stroke must then be at least 5%, and it’s probably a lot higher. Only about 1 in 6 strokes is fatal, so the lifetime incidence of stroke could be as high as 30%. In any case, it’s considerably higher than 2.9%, the figure ABC gives.
So. The real news is “Like Other People, Actors Sometimes Have Strokes.” In fact, that’s more or less what the authors of the study set out to say. They wanted to increase public awareness about stroke prevention. When famous people get this or that disease, the general public’s awareness of the disease increases (at least for a while), and those who go to big disease conferences may want more visibility for the specific disease they study.
Apparently some researchers reported that some number went up recently, and the number that went up had something to do with stroke and something to do with 15-44 year-olds.
Sounds like a good excuse for a rousing chorus or two of Fire in the Theater! Obesity! Diet Soda! You’re Gonna Die!, no?
The number reported to have gone up recently is not the total number of strokes among 15-44 year-olds, nor is it the rate (per 10,000 people, for example) of strokes among people that age.
The number that went up recently is the rate of strokes in 15-44 year-olds as a fraction of all hospitalizations for that age group. Not an easy quantity to conceptualize. But when a quantity is hard to conceptualize, you aren’t automatically allowed to grab a “you may pretend it’s something else.” pass and lie with impunity. (Do these same journalists give up and write “Boxer” if they can’t spell “Feinstein”?)
Maybe the stroke rate among 15-44 year-olds is not going up.
It could be that hospitalizations of 15-44 year-olds for reasons other than stroke are going down. Maybe hospitals are more and more likely to list multiple reasons for hospitalization than in the past. Maybe many former headaches are now deemed strokes (thanks to the proliferation of imaging tests). Either of these trends would make the numerical rate of stroke diagnoses per 10,000 hospitalizations go up without reflecting an increase in stroke.
Maybe a lot of things. Maybe the rate of stroke is going up among young people. Which might be scary. Or not. It’s possible more and more diagnoses of stroke are insignificant — no worse than a bad headache. Just because “stroke” sounds scary doesn’t mean there can’t be innocuous kinds of stroke.
Unfortunately we don’t know from today’s irresponsible scramble to turn numbers into fear. is a blog about the adventures in raising a slightly effeminate, possibly gay, totally fabulous son.
It’s written by C.J.’s Mom, a feisty, sassy girl-woman trying to have it all and usually feeling like she is failing miserably while all those around her are none-the-wiser. She works part-time as a business consultant, full-time as a mother and overtime as a walking panic attack.
And it’s about raising C.J. (age 3), the most enchanting child you will ever meet with an insane knack for art and color, interior design and dance. His passions include Barbie, Disney Princesses, Strawberry Shortcake and women’s hair and shoes. Paul Deen holds a special place in his heart.
Go. Read. Be thankful C.J.’s parents love him for who he is.
2 [of 2]: The New York Philharmonic Digital Archive
The New York Philharmonic has just launched the first part of its remarkable digital archive. A New York Times article on the project is here.
Browsing the archive (just launched today) is tricky (for example, you may see “Found In: Scores > Mahler, Gustav,” but neither Scores nor Mahler, Gustav are clickable), and the document reader is finicky (especially until you find and click on the faint unlabeled arrow that undocks a useful navigation bar), but don’t give up. Search for something — anything — to get away from the home page. Then you’re likely to find useful links and category tabs to click.
verb To constructively make mad or crazy, or to feign to make mad or crazy, always without malice or injury, and usually with the complete opposites.
Origin 2011: intentional coinage by Steve Kass (, variant of madden with intentionally vague technoetymology. Perhaps a portmanteau of madden and imagine, perhaps an intensive of madden, or perhaps a variation of madden that communicates a quality of uncertainty or inconfidence, as if compounded with the interjection um.
It will be called the National Terror Advisory System. DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano will officially make the announcement tomorrow at a “State of America’s Homeland Security” speech at George Washington University.
Now and then, I peregrinate past something well worth keeping. Starting today, I’ll keep some of those somethings right here.
Today’s keeper: Is Being Done, an essay by Richard Grant White from the March, 1869, issue of The Galaxy¹. (Publishing² from 1866 to 1878, The Galaxy was subsumed into The Atlantic Monthly; Cornell University Library’s Making of America project contains a complete digital archive of The Galaxy.)
Little did I know that the so-called “progressive passive” tense (as in “Your Amazon order is being fulfilled.”) was a relative grammatical newcomer (i.e., it appeared centuries after Shakespeare) to the English language. White did not welcome it. This is an excerpt from his incisive essay.
In Goldsmith’s ‘Citizen of the World,’ (Letter XXL) is the following passage, descriptive of a play.
‘The fifth act began, and a busy piece it was; scenes shifting, trumpets sounding, drums beating, mobs hallooing, carpets spreading, guards bustling from one door to the other; gods, demons, daggers, rags, and ratsbane.’
Read the second clause of the sentence according to the formula is being done. ‘Scenes being shifted, trumpets being sounded, drums being beaten, mobs hallooing, carpets being spread,’ and so forth. The very life is taken out of it. No longer a busy piece, it drags its wounded and halting body along, and dies before it gets to rags and ratsbane.
Related information: Mr. White’s son, Stanford, the celebrated architect, designed the Washington Square Arch and was murdered in 1906.