One of the things that kept me busy this past winter and spring was tech editing Itzik Ben-Gan’s two books in Microsoft Press’s Inside Microsoft® SQL Serverâ„¢ 2005 series (1,2). Of Itzik’s many clever solutions to programming problems, my favorite was this function that returns a table of consecutive integers. It’s blazingly fast, and it’s the best way I know of to generate a sequence on the fly – probably even better than accessing a permanent table of integers.

create function Numbers(
  @from as bigint,
  @to as bigint
) returns table with schemabinding as return
  with t0(n) as (
    select 1 union all select 1
  ), t1(n) as (
    select 1 from t0 as a, t0 as b
  ), t2(n) as (
    select 1 from t1 as a, t1 as b
  ), t3(n) as (
    select 1 from t2 as a, t2 as b
  ), t4(n) as (
    select 1 from t3 as a, t3 as b
  ), t5(n) as (
    select 1 from t4 as a, t4 as b
  ), Numbers(n) as (
    select row_number() over (order by n) as n
    from t5
    select @from + n - 1 as n
    from Numbers
    where n <= @to - @from + 1